Our Stockton On Tees Funeral Directors

4 Rimswell Parade, Rimswell Road, Stockton On Tees, TS19 7LB

Relph Funeral Directors are here to support you if a loved one has just passed away and you need help arranging the funeral. We offer a range of funerals to suit your needs. You can find out more below or give us a call to discuss.

About our Stockton funeral home

Relph Funeral Directors in Stockton-on-Tees, is dedicated to helping the local community by providing the highest standard of funeral care. We pride ourselves on the quality of service that we provide to all of the families we support. Our funeral home is equipped with premium facilities, to help us take complete care of your loved one. You can reach our Stockton funeral home from surrounding areas including Rimswell, Fairfield and Hartburn Village. We pride ourselves on providing a consistently high-quality standard of service, ensuring that every aspect of your loved one's funeral is just the way you want it to be. We will make all of the arrangements on your behalf, helping to alleviate the stress that can accompany planning a funeral. You can contact us by telephone 24 hours a day. Our dedicated funeral directors are always on hand to offer guidance and support whenever you need it.
Relph Funeral Directors Stockton On Tees, Rimswell Parade

To arrange a funeral for your loved one, please call our funeral home on 01642424836 today.

Team image

Meet our team

Our dedicated team are paramount to the quality of care we provide. Most of our staff members have been with Relph’s for over 15 years. The values of our founding family remain at the heart of all that we do; our team have a passion for helping people and conducts every aspect of their roles with kindness, compassion and professionalism

Our services

With three packages available, we will be able to arrange the funeral you have in mind for your loved one.

If you’re looking for a traditional or contemporary funeral with a service, you should consider our Attended Funeral. If you want us to arrange a simple cremation without mourners present, our Unattended Funeral may better suit your needs.

View our Standardised Price List, Additional Options Price List and Crematoria Price List.

How to find us


Speak to our team 24 hours a day on:

Our Address

4 Rimswell Parade
Rimswell Road
Stockton On Tees, TS19 7LB

Opening Hours

Day of the WeekHours
Monday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Directions and Parking

Our funeral home is located in the small parade of shops on Rimswell Road, Stockton.n. We have car parking available at the front of our funeral home.

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